Today we concluded our fractions unit in math! I had the class get back into their groups from the beginning of the unit and write their L part (What I learned) to their KWL chart. They did a fabulous job of showing me what they learned. It was so great to see how much they learned compared to the beginning when they wrote what they knew (which was very little). 

look at how much they learned!

We summed up the class with some fraction bingo! I gave each student sheet of fractions to cut out and paste onto their bingo board. This let each student have a different bingo board (so I didn't have to make them haha!). I would've liked to play this more throughout the unit, instead of just at the end, but we had a good time playing regardless :)

In the afternoon, we began our exploration of the Garry Oak Ecosystem. Our class, along with our little buddies in the kindergarten class, went outside and adopted our own Garry Oak tree. Each buddy pair found a tree of their choice and did a sketch and bark rubbing in their observation books. The kids had a great time exploring and playing with their little buddies. 

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